Sport Stakeholders’ Attitudes toward Environmentalism

In a recent study, CSMRE assistant director Marlene Dixon and faculty affiliate Brian McCullough team up with colleagues to examine sport organization stakeholders’ attitudes toward environmentalism. Stakeholders included fans, non-fans, and community members. They analyzed data from 100 study participants. Results showed that participants believed sport organizations and the broader community had a duty to support pro-environment issues. Political attitudes played a role in the responses. Finally, the stakeholders preferred those activities that directly benefited the community and the sport organization. The authors concluded: “results can help fill the gap in the strategic approach sport practitioners take when deciding what environmental initiative(s) to prioritize based on data from stakeholder input and preferences. These initiatives could apply to both internal efforts and community engagement activities.”

McCullough, B. P., Hardie, A., Kellison, T., & Dixon, M. (2021). Environmental perspectives of external stakeholders in sport. Managing Sport and Leisure.


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